Perhaps I could be bold enough to make the following assessment of my country, Australia, in terms of how much influence it holds on the internet.
The Yanks don't give a shit about our political issues, but they've learned long ago that unless you yell and scream like a fucking banshee about these problems the government, corporations and other malevolent forces against progress for humanity will walk all over you.
Australia has not adopted this mentality as we seem to see ourselves as this laid back nation where things move very slowly, and people get angry if you change things, but not angry enough if the powers that be down under slip some dodgy legislation in effect when nobody was looking.
Such is life I guess, but I can't help but wonder why America is so heavily utilising its youth population for political movements like Occupy Wall Street whereas Australia's youth population's political clout seems all but dead in the water. I guess you could put it down to the different perceptions of the internet our nations have. America views the internet as its only salvation. A lot of Australians however either don't know what they can do to harness the power of the internet as a force for good against corruption and police brutality or they just feel alienated by the internet's culture.
I will address this later, in a future post, but for now I'm dropping this short little idea grenade into the mix and see if it blows up or not.
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